245 research outputs found

    Learners’ motivation and learning strategies in english foreign language (EFI) in Indonesian context

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    This paper focuses on the field of individual differences in English Foreign Language (EFL) teaching and learning. Both motivation and language learning strategies in individual differences of students are emphasized among other factors. Motivation and language learning strategies are important to be understood as parts of student differences in English Foreign Language (EFL) learning in the context of learner-centered instruction. The issue of individual differences becomes important to develop the quality of EFL teaching and learning process. It summarizes the concept of motivation and language learning strategies, constraints in current English curriculum implementation, the importance of understanding motivation and language learning strategies in EFL teaching and learning, and poses those issues for further research on motivation and language learning strategies

    Protocol for Extreme Low Latency M2M Communication Networks

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    As technology evolves, more Machine to Machine (M2M) deployments and mission critical services are expected to grow massively, generating new and diverse forms of data traffic, posing unprecedented challenges in requirements such as delay, reliability, energy consumption and scalability. This new paradigm vindicates a new set of stringent requirements that the current mobile networks do not support. A new generation of mobile networks is needed to attend to this innovative services and requirements - the The fifth generation of mobile networks (5G) networks. Specifically, achieving ultra-reliable low latency communication for machine to machine networks represents a major challenge, that requires a new approach to the design of the Physical (PHY) and Medium Access Control (MAC) layer to provide these novel services and handle the new heterogeneous environment in 5G. The current LTE Advanced (LTE-A) radio access network orthogonality and synchronization requirements are obstacles for this new 5G architecture, since devices in M2M generate bursty and sporadic traffic, and therefore should not be obliged to follow the synchronization of the LTE-A PHY layer. A non-orthogonal access scheme is required, that enables asynchronous access and that does not degrade the spectrum. This dissertation addresses the requirements of URLLC M2M traffic at the MAC layer. It proposes an extension of the M2M H-NDMA protocol for a multi base station scenario and a power control scheme to adapt the protocol to the requirements of URLLC. The system and power control schemes performance and the introduction of more base stations are analyzed in a system level simulator developed in MATLAB, which implements the MAC protocol and applies the power control algorithm. Results showed that with the increase in the number of base stations, delay can be significantly reduced and the protocol supports more devices without compromising delay or reliability bounds for Ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Communication (URLLC), while also increasing the throughput. The extension of the protocol will enable the study of different power control algorithms for more complex scenarios and access schemes that combine asynchronous and synchronous access

    Behaviour Of Under-Reinforced Shallow Fibrous Concrete Beams Subjected To Pure Torsion

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    Torsional resistance of under-reinforced shallow fibrous concrete beams with the influence of the idealized core zone, thickness of concrete cover, bond strength and reinforcement indexes were investigated. Up-to-date, the contribution of the idealized core zone area and thickness of concrete cover to resist torsion based on thin-walled tube, space truss analogy have been ignored. In this investigation, thirty samples (30) of under-reinforced shallow fibrous concrete beams were prepared and tested under pure torsion. As a result, the torsional resistance of peak load was improved due to additional reinforcements in the idealized core zone area of the section, enhancement of bond strength between longitudinal reinforcement and fibrous concrete matrix, and reduction in the reinforcement indexes. Meanwhile, the torsional resistance at the crack and peak loads were improved due to thickening of concrete cover. Although the strain in longitudinal reinforcement was effected on crack number in fibrous concrete beams at failure, the reinforcement indexes and their bond strength in fibrous concrete were found to influence on the inclination angle of the crack at failure. The dimensional analysis and space truss model based on the established models were modified to propose a new approach for proving the effect of additional reinforcements in the idealized core zone, thickness of concrete cover and bond strength of embedded reinforcement in fibrous concrete on the torsional capacity of the beam. In conclusion, this study has proven the contribution of all the above mentioned parameters and the proposed equations for predicting torsional resistance at crack and-peak-loads are reasonably agreed with the results

    Information technology and cost efficiency in Malaysian banking industry

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    It is argued that information technology can increase cost efficiency of banks by offering opportunities to substitute across inputs into production – for example, to substitute computer technology and information networks for labor. Hence, the transition to a knowledge-based financial sector would lead to banks becoming more competitive, more cost effective and better able in managing risks. As such, those banks that failed to make this transition are less able to compete as they lack the capability to innovate and face higher delivery costs. The main objectives of this paper are to determine the impact of IT on banking efficiency and its economies of scale using a sample of Malaysian banks. To achieve these objectives, stochastic cost frontier method is employed to estimate bank efficiency and panel data approach were used to examine the impact of IT on bank efficiency. The results indicate that the impact of IT on bank efficiency increases with increase in bank size, hence further supporting the process of bank mergers that are currently undertaken in the Malaysian banking industry

    Konsep Pendidikan Islam : Ragam Metode PAI dalam Meraih Prestasi

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji ragam metode Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam meraih prestasi belajar karena kehadiran pendidikan untuk mengembangkan potensi manusia, mengubah dan mengembangkan potensinya kearah yang lebih baik.  Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian pustakan (libarary research), yaitu kegiatan penelitian dengan menelaah buku referensi dan jurnal-jurnal yang relefan dengan topik pembahasan. Penelitian ini memotret ragam metode dalam pendidikan Agama Islam dalam meraih prestasi belajar. Penelitian menguraikan secara deskriptif konsep metode dan prestasi PAI, landasan implementasi metode PAI, ragam metode PAI, dan kontribusi metode PAI dalam meraih prestasi belajar. Hasil penelitian adalah Metode pembelajaran PAI sangat diperlukan agar dalam proses pembelajaran memudahkan siswa dalam menyimak dan memahami materi pelajaran yang diberikan oleh guru. Berbagai landasan dalam mengimplementasikan metode PAI, yaitu; landasan agama, landasan biologis, landasan psikologis, landasan sosiologis. Ragam metode dalam meraih prestasi belajar yaitu; metode  ceramah, metode tanya jawab, metode diskusi, metode pemberian tugas, metode demonstrasi, metode eksperimen, metode amsal, metode targhib dan tarhib, metode pengulangan, dan metode keteladanan. Pretasi yang diharapkan dalam pendidikan Agama Islam tidak hanya memperoleh nilai IPK yang tinggi dan ijasah, tetapi sampai sampai pada level mencetak generasi yang produktif dan berkontribusi pada kemajuan peradaban. Pada hakikatnya semua orang mendambakan genarasi yang tidak hanya memiliki kemampuan intelektual, namun juga memiliki akhlak yang mulia yang senantiasa mengedepankan misi kebaikan dan menafikkan semua bentuk kemungkara

    Burden and Depression among Caregivers of Visually Impaired Patients in a Canadian Population

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    Purpose/Background. This study reports the degree of burden and the proportion at risk for depression among individuals who provide care to visually impaired patients. Study Design. This is clinic-based, cross-sectional survey in a tertiary care hospital. Methods. Caregivers were considered unpaid family members for patients whose sole impairment was visual. Patients were stratified by vision in their better seeing eye into two groups: Group 1 had visual acuity between 6/18 and 6/60 and Group 2 were those who had 6/60 or worse. Burden was evaluated by the Burden Index of Caregivers and the prevalence of being at risk for depression was determined by the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression scale. Results. 236 caregivers of 236 patients were included. Total mean BIC scores were higher in Group 2. Female caregivers, caregivers providing greater hours of care, and caregivers of patients who have not completed vision rehabilitation programs are at higher risk for depression

    Scientific Transformation of Islamic Boarding Schools through Role of Alums the Islamic Education Study Program

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    This study aims to reveal the existence and role of alums of the Islamic Religious Education study program in carrying out scientific transformations in Islamic boarding schools. The research location is the As-Salman Allakuang Darud Da'wah wal Ershad (DDI) Islamic boarding school, Sidenreng Rappang Regency. This study uses a qualitative research approach with a case study type. Data collection techniques used participant observation, semi-structured interviews, focusing on crucial informants, namely alums of the Islamic Religious Education study program who had served since 2016 at the DDI As-Salman Allakuang Islamic boarding school, as well as documentation studies. The data analysis technique used the interactive analysis technique of Miles, Huberman, and Saldana. Testing the validity of the data is done by going through the credibility, dependability, confirmability, and transferability tests. The results showed that alums of the Islamic Religious Education study program from the Parepare State Islamic Institute played an essential role in the scientific transformation of the DDI As-Salman Allakuang Islamic boarding school since 2016. Their role is seen in four ways: 1) Maximizing the functions and duties as educators by carrying out the mandate, 2) Equipping students with millennial-era skills through structured activities, 3) Strengthening self-potential and sensitivity to contemporary realities for students, and 4) Intensifying the internalization of values and ethics by carrying out recitation, coaching, and cadre training to strengthen the basis of morality Students. The value of these findings underscores the importance of alums, the relevance of education to the needs of the times, social responsibility as educators, and strengthening identity and self-potential in the context of Islamic religious education in Islamic boarding schools

    Legal Analysis of Formulation of Child Narcotics Dealer

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    Indonesia is “ a state of law” or “rechtstaat” which is its governance and society based on Pancasila (Five State Principles) and Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia 1945. It is known also as a state with various cultures and its noble character. However, it is commonly to be heard lately a slogan “Indonesia as emerging narcotics state”. Narcotics circulation in Indonesia juridically is allowed by law (valid) with some certain reasons, such as for medicine and research purposes. The rule of it can be seen in article 7 of the Law No. 35 of 2009 on Narcotics. Articles 111 to 148 the law No. 35 of 2009 state that “any person that without right or against the law who circulates the narcotics will be punished”. The article 133 subsection (1) and (2) of the law No. 35 of 2009 is the only article of the Law states it. However, the article only puts the child as a victim of the adult person who circulates the narcotics. The provision related to the dealer narcotics can be seen in article 111, 112, 113,114, 115, 116, and 127 of the Law No. 35 of 2009. Keywords: Formulation, Narcotics, Child Dealer

    Urbanisation in fragile societies: thinking about Kabul

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    As part of the Blavatnik School of Government’s “Challenges of Government” Conference, the International Growth Centre’s Cities that Work team put together a panel on identity and legitimacy in Kabul. The discussion highlighted the importance of building legitimacy in fragile contexts, particularly given the emergence of fragmented identities and new networks of solidarity, resistance and governance in urban contexts affected by conflict

    Antimicrobial Effect of Mentha spicata and Mentha pulegium Essential Oils in Two Storage Temperatures on the Survival of Debaryomyces hansenii in Iranian Doogh

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    Background and Objectives: Doogh is an Iranian preferred dairy drink, especially in warm seasons. Blowing by yeasts is a common occurring spoilage when this product is kept outside the refrigerator in warm temperature. Natural additives such as herbal essential oils, which also induce the desired flavor and color, may solve this problem and retard yeast growth. Spearmint, pennyroyal and some other herbs and their extracts were traditionally used in this product. In the current study, the antimicrobial effect of Mentha spicata and Mentha pulegium essential oils on the survival of Debaryomyces hansenii was evaluated in two different storage temperatures. Materials and Methods: Iranian Doogh was prepared according to the national standard method with different concentrations of the mentioned essential oils. Then all the samples were inoculated with yeast inocula to achieve a yeast count of >3×106 CFUml-1. Viability of Debaryomyces hansenii was investigated during the storage time (0-28 days) of Doogh samples at 4°C and 25°C at different intervals. Statistical analysis was performed using the one-way Analysis of Variance and Tukey’s post hoc methods. Also α level was considered equal to 0.05. Results and Conclusion: Different concentrations of Mentha spicata and Mentha pulegium essential oils had significant effect on the growth of the yeast. Increasing the concentration of these essential oils decreased the logarithm of number of microorganisms. The essential oils of Mentha spicata and Mentha pulegium in low concentrations have antimicrobial effect on spoilage yeast and can improve the sensory properties of Doogh. Therefore, they can be the best alternative preservatives for hazardous chemical compounds